The fees, charges and levies applicable from 1 January 2025 are regulated by the Solomon Islands Maritime Authority (Fees, Charges and Levies) Maritime Order (No.2) 2022 as amended by the Solomon Islands Maritime Authority (Fees, Charges and Levies) Maritime Order (No.2) (Amendment) 2024.
Please visit this page to know about the fees, charges and levies applicable to your vessel and crew if you are an operator or owner of a vessel registered in Solomon Islands, the owner/operator or agent of a foreign vessel coming to Solomon Islands, a seafarer registered in Solomon Islands or a person who need a service delivered by the Solomon Islands Maritime Authority (SIMA).
For any question related to SIMA's fees, charges and levies, please send an email to
Definitions |
The definitions below apply noting that a word or expression which is not used in the SIMA Act 2018, but which is defined in the Shipping Act 1998 and used in this Maritime Order, has the same meaning as it has in the Shipping Act 1998: |
“charge” means a charge prescribed by this Maritime Order and payable for the service, facility or regulatory function for which it is prescribed; |
“collection officer” means a person appointed by paragraph 20(1), or authorised under paragraph 20(2), to be a collection officer; |
“fee” means a fee prescribed by this Maritime Order and payable for the service, facility or regulatory function for which it is prescribed; |
“hourly rate” means the rate of $309.60 per hour or part of an hour; |
“independent shipboard cargo surveyor” means any of the following person: |
(a) a person other than a crew member or officer of a registered vessel bringing in shipment of oil as cargo; or |
(b) an employee of the person importing oil into Solomon Islands, who is qualified to conduct survey on board vessels and qualified to certify the quantity of the oil discharged from the vessel. |
“levy” means a levy prescribed by this Maritime Order and payable for the service, facility or regulatory function for which it is prescribed; |
“LOA” means length overall which refers to the length of a vessel measured in metres; |
“owner or operator of a vessel” includes a person who: |
(a) is appointed by the owner or operator of the vessel to be the agent for the vessel and, by that authorisation, is authorised to sign any document required or permitted to be signed under the Act and pay fees, charges and levies in relation to the vessel; and |
(b) notifies the Director in writing that the person is the vessel’s agent. |
“periodic survey’’ means the surveys and inspections of a Solomon Islands vessel conducted by the Director, an approved surveyor or an authorised officer to verify compliance with technical standards. |
“Solomon Islands Waters” means the internal waters, archipelagic waters, territorial seas and the exclusive economic zone of Solomon Islands as defined in the Delimitation of Marine Waters Act (Cap.95), and include the waters of any inlet, river, lagoon or bay located within any of these marine waters. |
Unpaid fees, charges and levies |
If a fee, charge or levy, or an instalment of a fee, charge or levy, (other than if SIMA requires the fee, charge or levy or instalment to be paid in advance), is not paid within one month after the day SIMA required it to be paid: |
a. interest is payable on the amount of fee, charge, levy or instalment unpaid of 1.5% per month compounded monthly; and |
b. both the amount of the fee, charge, levy or instalment, and the amount of unpaid interest, is a debt due and payable to SIMA. |
Annual increase of SIMA fees, charges and levies |
Each fee, charge or levy prescribed by this Maritime Order increases by 7.5% per annum on and from 1 January of each year. |
These fees are payable at the time of initial registration or for any services as per below table.
Application Purpose | Amount Payable (SBD) |
Initial registration (including after satisfaction of provisional registration) or initial re-registration) | |
0-less than 50 GT | $1,673.23 |
50-less then 100 GT | $2,007.90 |
100-less than 150 GT | $2,677.19 |
150-less than 200 GT | $3,569.58 |
200-less than 250 GT | $4,238.86 |
250-less than 300 GT | $4,908.17 |
300-less than 400 GT | $5,800.57 |
400 and more GT | $5,800.57 |
per 100 GT or part thereof more than 400 GT | $513.13 |
Provisional Certificate of Registry | $2,230.99 |
Change of name of a registered vessel | $334.65 |
Recording a change of ownership of a registered vessel | $334.65 |
Notification of alteration of registered particulars of vessel | $334.65 |
Declaration of Transmission | $1,003.94 |
Registration of mortgage | $334.65 |
Discharge of a registered mortgage | $446.20 |
Notification of change in mortgage interest | $334.65 |
Registration of maritime lien | $334.65 |
Discharge of a registered maritime lien | $334.65 |
General application fee for any application under the Act or Shipping Act if no other fee is prescribed | Fee of hourly rate for time taken to process application |
Extension of time for submitting all documents and information to make an application | $334.65 |
This levy is paid annually at the time of the periodic survey and for any regulatory services as per below table.
Description of SIMA regulatory function for which a levy is payable | Levy (SBD) |
Initial issue of certificate of registry | $446.20 |
Issue of certified copy of certificate of registry | $223.09 |
Issue of provisional certificate of registry | $446.20 |
Extension of period of validity of provisional certificate of registry | $223.09 |
Registration of bill of sale, mortgage or maritime lien | $334.65 + $111.55 per $25,000 or part thereof of vessel’s value as specified in bill of sale |
Registration of transfer of ownership or transfer of mortgage | $1,003.94 |
Registration of transmission of ownership or transmission of mortgage | $1,003.94 |
Fee for inspection of the Register | $446.20 |
Search fee using services of Registry staff, for each vessel or specific request | Fee of hourly rate for time taken to conduct search |
Closure of registration or deletion from the Register | 669.30 |
Transcript or certified copy of a certificate or other document | $892.40 |
Ordinary copy of a certificate or other document | $178.48 |
Levy for detention, reinspection and release of vessel | $5,375.00 |
Annual regulatory levy | Levy per gross tonnage of vessel (SBD): |
0-less than 50 GT | $2,889.06 |
50-less than 100 GT | $3,235.75 |
100-less than 150 GT | $3,698.00 |
150-less than 200 GT | $4,622.50 |
200-less than 300 GT | $6,355.94 |
300-less than 400 GT | $7,511.56 |
400-less than 500 GT | $9,245.00 |
500 or more GT | $11,556.25 |
per 100 GT or part thereof more than 500 GT | $577.81 |
This charge is paid annually at the time of the periodic survey.
Description | Levy (SBD) |
Marine aids to navigation dues payable by Solomon Islands vessels | $66.93 per meter LOA |
This levy is paid annually at the time of the periodic survey.
Description of the pollution levy | Levy (SBD) |
Levy payable under paragraph 8(2) by owner or operator of Solomon Islands vessel | |
0-less than 50 GT | $115.56 |
50-less than 100 GT | $138.68 |
100-less than 150 GT | $184.90 |
150-less than 200 GT | $231.13 |
200-less than 300 GT | $288.91 |
300-less than 400 GT | $346.69 |
400-less than 500 GT | $462.25 |
500 and more GT | $635.39 |
per 100 GT or part thereof more than 500 GT | $115.56 |
This levy is paid annually at the time of the periodic survey.
Description of the pollution levy | Levy (SBD) |
Levy payable under paragraph 8A (2) by owner or operator of Solomon Islands vessel: | |
0-less than 50 GT | $231.13 |
50-less than 100 GT | $277.35 |
100-less than 150 GT | $369.80 |
150-less than 200 GT | $462.25 |
200-less than 300 GT | $577.81 |
300-less than 400 GT | $693.38 |
400-less than 500 GT | $924.50 |
500 and more GT | $1,271.19 |
per 100 GT or part thereof more than 500 GT | $231.13 |
If you operated a vessel registered in Solomon Islands or if you are a seafarer, there are fees payable for services as per below table.
Description of assessment of certification for which fee payable | Fee (SBD) |
Application for issue of certificate, including verification of sea time | Fee of hourly rate for time taken to process application |
Conduct of examinations or assessments of competency (whether conducted by SIMA or by a person or organisation on behalf of SIMA) for: | |
Master Class 1 or Engineer Class 1 | $1,115.50 |
Mate Class 1 or Second Engineer Class 1 | $1,003.94 |
Master Class 2 or Engineer Class 2 | $892.40 |
Mate Class 2 or Second Engineer Class 2 | $892.40 |
Master Class 3 or Deck Watchkeeper | $669.30 |
Engineer Class 3 or Engineer Watchkeeper | $669.30 |
Master Class 4 or Engineer Class 4 | $446.20 |
Master Class 5 or Engineer Class 5 | $334.65 |
Master/Engineer Class 6 [Full & Restricted] | $334.65 |
Deck or Engine Watchkeeping Rating | $334.65 |
Ordinary Seafarer | $223.09 |
Pacific Island Qualified Fishing Deckhand | $223.09 |
Boat Master’s Licence | $223.09 |
Additional Certificate Transcript of examination results | $111.55 |
Reassessment of an unsuccessful candidate | $111.55 per module |
Issue of a Certificate of Competency or Proficiency for training for: | |
Master Class 1 or Engineer Class 1 | $446.20 |
Mate Class 1 or Second Engineer Class 1 | $446.20 |
Master Class 2 or Engineer Class 2 | $446.20 |
Mate Class 2 or Second Engineer Class 2 | $446.20 |
Master Class 3 or Deck Watchkeeper | $334.65 |
Engineer Class 3 or Engineer Watchkeeper | $334.65 |
Master Class 4 or Engineer Class 4 | $223.09 |
Master Class 5 or Engineer Class 5 | $223.09 |
Master/Engineer Class 6 [Full & Restricted] | $111.55 |
Deck or Engine Watchkeeping Rating | $111.55 |
Pacific Island Qualified Fishing Deckhand | $111.55 |
Basic Safety and other proficiency or training | $111.55 |
Boat Masters’ Licence | $111.55 |
Revalidation of a Certificate of Competency or Proficiency or Training for: | |
Master Class 1 or Engineer Class 1 | $446.20 |
Mate Class 1 or Second Engineer Class 1 | $446.20 |
Master Class 2 or Engineer Class 2 | $334.65 |
Mate Class 2 or Second Engineer Class 2 | $334.65 |
Master Class 3 or Deck Watchkeeper | $334.65 |
Engineer Class 3 or Engineer Watchkeeper | $334.65 |
Master Class 4 or Engineer Class 4 | $223.09 |
Master Class 5 or Engineer Class 5 | $223.09 |
Master/Engineer Class 6 [Full & Restricted] | $111.55 |
Deck or Engine Watchkeeping Rating | $111.55 |
Ordinary Seafarer | $111.55 |
Pacific Island Qualified Fishing Deckhand | $111.55 |
Boat Master’s Licence | $111.55 |
Replacement of a lost certificate | $557.74 |
Application for dispensation from manning requirements | $557.74 |
Application fee for dispensation of qualification of seafarer | $5,375.00 |
Endorsement or Recognition of Certificate of Competency | $1,115.50 |
Issue of Safe Manning Certificate | $557.74 |
Course syllabus | $557.74 |
Seafarers’ employment and training record book | $111.55 |
Application for review of a Medical Fitness Certificate by an Appeal Body | $223.09 |
This charge is payable each time a foreign vessel enter in Solomon Islands. This charge is paid again per week or part thereof after the first port of entry if the vessel remains in Solomon Islands waters or enters more than one port or berths, anchors, stops or drifts at more than one place.
Description | Levy (USD) |
Marine aids to navigation dues payable by foreign vessels | $40.16 per meter LOA |
This levy is payable each time a foreign vessel enter in Solomon Islands. This charge is paid again per week or part thereof after the first port of entry if the vessel remains in Solomon Islands waters or enters more than one port or berths, anchors, stops or drifts at more than one place.
Description of the pollution levy | Levy (USD) |
Levy payable under paragraph 8(4) by owner or operator of vessel that is not Solomon Islands vessel | $3.46 per meter LOA |
This levy is payable each time a foreign vessel enter in Solomon Islands. This charge is paid again per week or part thereof after the first port of entry if the vessel remains in Solomon Islands waters or enters more than one port or berths, anchors, stops or drifts at more than one place.
Description of the pollution levy | Levy (USD) |
Levy payable under paragraph 8A (3) by owner or operator of vessel that is not Solomon Islands vessel | $3.46 per meter LOA |
If a research vessel operates in Solomon Islands, fees are payable as per below table. These fees are in addition to fees, charges and levies payable for domestic or foreign vessel depending on the research vessel's flag.
Description of matter for which fee payable | Fee (USD) |
Application for approval to use vessel to carry out research | $2,075.34 |
Monitoring of research activities relating to: | |
Minerals | $557.75 per month or part thereof |
Oil and gas | $557.74 per month or part thereof |
Fisheries and marine resources | $334.65 per month or part thereof |
Forestry and associated activities | $334.65 per month or part thereof |
Agriculture and associated activities | $334.65 per month or part thereof |
Aquaculture | $334.65 per month or part thereof |
Oceanography | $223.09 per month or part thereof |
Hydrography | $223.09 per month or part thereof |
Tourism | $111.55 per month or part thereof |
Other | $334.65 per month or part thereof |
If you are a SIPA licensed pilot, you must hold a valid Pilotage Certificate issued by SIMA and subject to fees as per below table.
Description of application or annual certificate for which fee is payable | Fee (SBD) |
Application for Pilotage Certificate | $2,230.99 |
Application for Pilotage Exemption Certificate | $6,692.96 |
Annual fee for Pilotage Exemption Certificate | $6,692.96 |
A vessel registered in Solomon Islands and engaged in international voyages must hold an International Ship Security Certificate issued by SIMA and subject to fees as per below table.
Description of matter for which fee payable | Fee (SBD) |
Issue of International Ship Security Certificate | $10,623.74 |
Endorsement on a certificate | $5,311.88 |
Issue of an interim certificate | $6,374.24 |
Conduct of any verification | $4,249.50 |
Certain fees, charges and levies are calculated based on the time spent using the below hourly rate.
The Director may apply the reduced hourly if satisfied that the fee, charge or levy will have an impact on the costs carrying passengers and goods within Solomon Islands. This currently applies only to the vessel registry search fee and the fee for verification of a seafarer seatime.
Description | Fee (SBD) |
Hourly rate | $309.60 per hour or part of an hour |
Reduced hourly rate | $154.80 per hour or part of an hour |
The other services and facilities subject to fees as per above hourly rate are in the below table.
Description of service or facility for which fee is payable | Fee (SBD) |
Review and approval of Port Facility Security Assessment and Port Facility Security Plan | Fee of hourly rate for time taken to review and approve assessment or plan |
Preparation, conduct and report on an audit of any kind | Fee of hourly rate for time taken to prepare, conduct and report on audit |
Follow-up inspection after detention during Port State Control of vessel which is not registered in Solomon Islands | Fee of hourly rate for time taken to conduct inspection |
Study and approval of vessel drawings and plans before initial survey | Fee of hourly rate for time taken to study and approve drawings and plans |
Preparation, conduct and report on hydrographic survey | Fee of hourly rate for time taken to prepare, conduct and report on survey |
Registration of Medical Fitness Certificate | $334.65 |
Registration of employment contract | $334.65 |
Management costs 10% | of the direct costs under paragraphs 13 and 14 |
SIMA – Solomon Islands Maritime Authority
PO Box 1932 – Solomon Islands
(677) 21535