Under its obligations as Flag State, Solomon Islands must ensure that the vessels flying its flag comply to the best technical standards relating to safety at sea and the prevention of pollutions. SIMA has the responsibility to conduct Flag State inspections and surveys on board all vessel registered in Solomon Islands (domestic vessels).
SIMA Vessel Inspectors carried out various inspections and surveys on board domestic vessels in accordance with applicable regulations, for instance the Shipping (Non-Convention Vessel Safety) Regulations 2006. At the occasion of periodic inspections and surveys, are verified:
When a vessel has been inspected and found compliant, the Vessel Safety Certificate is endorsed. This certificate initially issued at the time of first registration is endorsed every year and renewed every 5 years.
A vessel that is found non-compliant has to rectify deficiencies and in the cases of major defects may be detained. A vessel that is detained is not authorized to go to sea until all deficiencies have been rectified and verified by a SIMA Vessel Inspector.
Click here to consult the list of vessels currently detained or with their registration terminated.
As Port State, Solomon Islands has the right to board any foreign vessel in our port and verify compliance of the vessel with international convention Solomon Islands is a party to. This function of Port State Control is assumed by SIMA which applies harmonized inspection procedures will all Asia-Pacific Port State under the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control in the Asia-Pacific Region, commonly called Tokyo MoU (see www.tokyo-mou.org).