SIMA Second Anniversary, 5 April 2023, Honiara

Purpose & Objective

The purpose of the event was to celebrate the 2nd Anniversary of the Solomon Island Maritime Authority (SIMA) and an opportunity to share views on the Maritime Future We Want for Solomon Islands. The celebration was organised with the objective to share SIMA’s forward-looking priorities for the decades to come and discuss the pathway and actions for a Safe, Green and Digital Maritime future.

Meeting Arrangements

Date: Wednesday 5 April 2023

Location: Mendana Hotel, Honiara

Opening & Celebration


The event was officially opened with a word of prayer by Bishop George Takeli member of the SIMA’s Advisory committee and Vice-President of the Solomon Islands Maritime Transport Association (SIMTA) and by the Chairperson of the Board of SIMA, Mr. Robert Bokelema highlighting the significant milestones achieved in the 2 years to bring SIMA to a self-sufficient maritime authority.

Presentations and Interactive Session

The Master of Ceremony, Verity Fonosei Manager Internal Services, introduced SIMA’s speakers who presented on SIMA’s Anniversary theme: The Maritime Future We Want: Safe, Green and Digital.

The Guests of Honour, SIMA Board Chairperson the New Zealand High Commissioner Jonathan Schwass, the Australian High Commissioner Rod Hilton and the United States Head of Mission Russell Comeau congratulated SIMA for its Second Anniversary and supported the shared vision for Safe, Green and Digital Solomon Maritime building on technologies and operational efficiency.

Celebration of SIMA’s Anniversary

The Honourable Manasseh Maelanga, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure development first thanked development partners and close friends of SIMA presence recognizing shipping, maritime connectivity and inter-islands mobility as the lifeline of Solomon Islands. He appreciated the presentation made by SIMA’s officers on a Safe, Green and Digital Maritime Future for Solomon Islands that is forward-looking, aspirational, and ambitious and a great way of celebrating SIMA’s Second Anniversary. Deputy Prime Minister called for partnerships to support the vision and bring in Solomon Islands the financing, the expertise, and the technologies needed to transform the marine industry.

Vote of Thanks

Ms. Joy Ririmae, Managing Director of Franjti Shipping and Chairperson of SIMA Advisory Committee invited all participants for a vote of thanks reminding the audience that the maritime industry connects the world and Solomon Islands and higher efficiency, profitability and sustainable employment integrated in a new maritime business model is essential.

Technical Session & Closing

Technical presentation and discussion

The afternoon session was more technical presentations to discuss the needs and plans to advance a Safe, Green and Digital Solomon Maritime. Presentations were made by Mr. Jonah Mitau, Manager Shipping Operations and Safety, Ms. Astrid Aspert Technical Manager of the IMO-Norway GreenVoyage2050 Project, and Mr. Selwyn Riumana, President of SIMTA.

Closing Remarks

The event was officially closed with remarks from the Director SIMA who wrapped up the event and emphasized the need to share the vision through partnership and long-term planning and undertake strategic actions together to build maritime skills for tomorrow, uptake new technologies and operations, and contribute to maritime security.

GreenVoyage2050 National Task Force

SIMA seize the opportunity of the event to convene a side meeting of the National Task Force (NTF) of the GreenVoyage2050 who agreed to discuss strategic actions of a National Action Plan in areas such as pilot-projects development and implementation, operational efficiency in shipping and ports, integration to the soon-to-be-adopted low-emission strategy, the age of the fleet and future standards, maritime capacity development, green shipping incentives and vessel tracking.


Presentations can be downloaded by clicking on the title of the presentation in the agenda. You can download the full report with details of discussion points. For more information, please contact Ms. Brenda Oeta, Principal Officer Vessel Inspection at Ileen Kabini at

Time Agenda Item                                                    Presenters
Wednesday 5 April 2023
0945 – 1030 Registration SIMA
Facilitated by Verity Fonosei, Manager Internal Services
1030 Arrival of the Guest of Honour

Welcome and Garlanding

1030 – 1035 Word of Prayer Bp. George Takeli
1035 – 1045 Welcome Remarks Chair of SIMA Board

Mr. Robert Bokelema

1045 – 1115 Presentation

The Maritime Future We Want: Safe, Green and Digital

1115 – 1140 Discussion All
1140 – 1150 Recognition of SIMA Second Anniversary – 1 January 2023

A self-sufficient maritime authority governing the maritime sector

Guest of Honour

Hon. Manasseh Maelanga, Deputy Prime Minister / Minister for Instructure Development

1150 – 1200 Vote of Thanks Chair of SIMA Advisory Committee

Ms. Joy Ririmae

1200 – 1330 Official Photograph & Lunch
Facilitated by Agnes Gaote’e, Deputy Director
1330 – 1530 SIMA Corporate Plan 2024-2027 and strategies

Building the foundations for the Maritime Future We want


IMO GreenVoyage2050


1530 – 1545 Closing Remarks Director SIMA
1545 – 1600 Afternoon Tea
1600 – 1645 Side meeting of the GreenVoyage2050 National Task Force